Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Chrysalids

THE CHRYSALIDS – FINAL RESPONSE The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham is a story about a world where people will not accept differences, whether it is physical, psychological or spiritual. There are many themes in this story. A major theme is satire. David’s society is â€Å"mocking† our society, in real life. Societies, David’s and ours have many similarities. Ever since the beginning, mankind has excluded others for their differences. Whether it is for the color of their skin, or another physical appearance, we all have judged or have been judged unfairly by the people around us. Another major theme of this story is justice and humanity. When Uncle Axel explains the other places and people outside of Waknuk, it shows that people differ in viewpoints, and have different ways of seeing things. We are ignorant when we do not see the way others see things, or when we do not accept other because of their differences. In many cases, a person is â€Å"shunned† from a group because others do not like a certain characteristic that makes them unique. Sometimes, individuals are cast out because others are afraid of their differences that make them superior, or more advantageous. In the novel, the people of Waknuk were devoted to capturing the outlaws, because they were afraid of the group’s ability. Trust is also a theme of this story. David has many people around him, but he cannot trust everyone. Once you get to know a person, you can develop and discover a trust between you. David develops a very strong trust with his Uncle. They share everything, including emotions, opinions, and experiences. However, David does not trust his father, even though his relation means there should be a stronger bond. Anne trusted Alan more than she trusted the group. This is an example of ignorance, and not taking the time to get to know how a person is. The Chrysalids is a fascinating, yet gripping journey about inhumanity, bigotry, intolerance, justice, and lastly solidarity. It is not a surprise at all, that humans can be so cruel, and narrow-minded. Us humans are one have the most powerful and forces that exist. Our life is precious, and we usually do not take notice, and waste that life, or use it the wrong way. Human nature is something that will always exist. Without it, we would have no ideal world. ———————– The Chrysalids THE CHRYSALIDS – FINAL RESPONSE The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham is a story about a world where people will not accept differences, whether it is physical, psychological or spiritual. There are many themes in this story. A major theme is satire. David’s society is â€Å"mocking† our society, in real life. Societies, David’s and ours have many similarities. Ever since the beginning, mankind has excluded others for their differences. Whether it is for the color of their skin, or another physical appearance, we all have judged or have been judged unfairly by the people around us. Another major theme of this story is justice and humanity. When Uncle Axel explains the other places and people outside of Waknuk, it shows that people differ in viewpoints, and have different ways of seeing things. We are ignorant when we do not see the way others see things, or when we do not accept other because of their differences. In many cases, a person is â€Å"shunned† from a group because others do not like a certain characteristic that makes them unique. Sometimes, individuals are cast out because others are afraid of their differences that make them superior, or more advantageous. In the novel, the people of Waknuk were devoted to capturing the outlaws, because they were afraid of the group’s ability. Trust is also a theme of this story. David has many people around him, but he cannot trust everyone. Once you get to know a person, you can develop and discover a trust between you. David develops a very strong trust with his Uncle. They share everything, including emotions, opinions, and experiences. However, David does not trust his father, even though his relation means there should be a stronger bond. Anne trusted Alan more than she trusted the group. This is an example of ignorance, and not taking the time to get to know how a person is. The Chrysalids is a fascinating, yet gripping journey about inhumanity, bigotry, intolerance, justice, and lastly solidarity. It is not a surprise at all, that humans can be so cruel, and narrow-minded. Us humans are one have the most powerful and forces that exist. Our life is precious, and we usually do not take notice, and waste that life, or use it the wrong way. Human nature is something that will always exist. Without it, we would have no ideal world. ———————–

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